God has provided me a new studio/gallery space in my own church!
God�s Creation is a continual source of fascination and inspiration
to me. He is the Ultimate Artist. How thankful I am for His gift of
creativity that has brought me such joy and fulfillment. My goal as an
artist is to create beauty and to glorify God, to produce work that is
artistically inventive, spiritually uplifting, and thought-provoking
These Biblically-themed mixed media/collage paintings are designed
to intrigue the viewer and cause them to reflect on eternal truths
while enjoying the beauty of the artwork. People say that the images,
combined with words, compel closer examination of the details and of
the subtle color harmonies. I often recycle paper and plastic cds that
are cast off by our throw-away society, making a redemptive statement
with the very materials I choose.
Favourite activities include singing in church choir and traveling
with my husband Bill, playing with my �schnoodle� dog Hannah, and
tending my garden and small backyard pond replete with water lilies, a
la Monet.
I welcome inquiries about my artwork and can be reached at
(805) 302-3167